This section provides you with answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Prescription Drug Plan.
Do the prescription drug copayments made for purchases in the United States apply toward my annual medical deductible or yearly out-of-pocket maximum?
No. After you pay the applicable copay, Cigna will cover 100% of the drug costs. Your copays do not count toward the Plan’s annual deductible, annual maximum, coinsurance, or out-of-pocket (OOP) limits.
If I know the brand name of my drug, where can I find information about generic equivalents?
You can search for a specific drug and its tier category (i.e., generic, preferred, or non-preferred brand) using Cigna’s prescription drug list and select Legacy 3 Tier from the drug list drop-down menu.
Why do I need to use my Cigna card when purchasing drugs?
To receive discounted prices, you must use your Cigna card, which contains the information (RX bin, issuer, PCN and reference number) required by U.S. pharmacies.
Can I have my medicine mailed to me outside of the United States?
No. Drugs cannot be mailed to an address outside of the United States, and AIARC cannot act as the recipient of mail order drugs.